"Egy dolgot utálok nagyon - unatkozni az órán!"

Extra Challenges

based on The Jungle Book by J.R.Kipling.

  • Design a Wanted poster about any of the characters from the story. Give as much information as you can.  max. 5 scores
  • Design a poster to advertise the book.  max. 5 scores
  • Make a comic of at least 5 cells. You can find out your own story but the characters should be from the book.   max. 8 scores
  • Write a poem of at least 8 lines about the jungle or any characters of the book. Record and send.  max. 10 scores
  • Be a travel agency and organise a 3 day trip to India. Write about the programme, accommodtion, food in a brochure. max. 10 scores
  • Listen to and learn the song The Bare Necessities from the Disney movie. You can ask also your classmates to join you and make a recording which you can send to us.  max. 8 scores
  • Find (out) and learn a choreography to The Bare Necessities. You can dance also with your mates. Send the recording to our email address. max. 10 scores

Send the files to us: sir@pte.hu
Deadline: 28 February 2022